Group urges respect of Human Rights for all

A Non- Governmental Organization, Access to Good Health Initiative (AGHI)has held a Human Rights training workshop for Social media Influencers, media organizations and Religious leaders , with a call for regards for human rights of  all.

pix- Convener,Amalumilo

Convener of the Workshop and Director,AGHI,Michael Amalumilo at a Three- Day workshop held in Enugu, said  all human beings are equal before the law and their Rights and Freedom as Human beings should not be violated.

He enumerated different types of Human Rights to include Rights to live, health, education, freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of religion among others.

Michael lamented that most times people’s rights were violated because of their race, gender, association, noting that it was not right.

Pix- Ambassador Emmanuel Gambari

He cited the cases  of women and children, Albinos, people living with disabilities, raped victims, and individuals with divers sexual orientation and gender identity. 

groups as examples. He said though other groups were somehow accepted in the society, the LGBTQ groups were stigmatized. 

The convener stressed the need for a change of narrative noting that not all men who wear ear rings were gay, not all women who dressed and walked like men( tom boys) were lesbians, not all persons who wear tattoos were of LGBTQ community.

According to him some people were attracted to people of same gender. He added that some men who were gay and some women who were lesbians at younger age and  in a particular environment  they found themselves, stopped the act as they changed environment. Some of them were married, while some were still in the community.

He therefore called on the media, religious groups to give those whose rights were violated fair hearing in their presentations.

Michael urged raped victims to always speak out so that they could obtain justice,and the perpetrators be brought to book.

There were presentations on the roles and challenges of the media, especially on reporting issues of Human Rights and other sensitive issues

Media organisations were urged to improve the welfare of their workers, protect them and lessen censorship

. Highlights were demonstrations on issues faced by LGBTQI± persons..


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