Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Most Rev Dr .Calistus Onaga, has decried incessant killings, bad governance in Nigeria , saying that Nigeria is blessed with abundant human and material resources,yet, people are suffering. People live in the midst of plenty, yet they are hungry.
Bishop Onaga,spoke on Sunday, in a homily he delivered at the celebration of the 2022, feast of Christ the King, held at the Michael Okpara square, Enugu..
He said that in Nigeria, people cannot sleep with their two eyes closed because of insecurity.The rate of killings in Nigeria is on the increase. People kill their brothers , people pull their brothers down. Why?”, he asked.
The Bishop lamented that necessary social amenities were not provided. “There is no portable water.People could not see water to drink”. He urged people in leadership position to lead with the fear of God and work for the good of the people.

He admonished Nigerians to do good, have faith in God, pray continuously , proclaim the goodness of God and turn away from sin, so that God will forgive them.
“Nigeria is going into a difficult time. Election is coming . We need leaders who have fear of God , who respect people, who can work for the people. Continue with prayers so that God will see us through.” Bishop Onaga admonished.
He said that Christ the King celebration is a feast held to celebrate the Kingsjip.of Christ. To proclaim to the world that Jesus is the universal King.

It was not held in 2020 because of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Nigeria. In 2021, it was held at parish level. This year,with the reduction of cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria, the feast was held at Okpara square with all the parishes in Enugu deanary in attendance.
In procession, they prayed and sang songs from their parishes to Okpara square,Enugu.
Reverend Fathers , the Religious, men and ladies of the knight, alter boys and girls , different societies in the church, and various parishioners were in attendance.