Christians troop to Garden of Grace, Enugu to celebrate feast of Virgin Mary

Chibota Edozie

It was sea of heads at the Garden of Grace arena,Trans -Ekulu, New GRA, Enugu,as Christians, particularly, Catholics trooped to celebrate the feast of Virgin Mary,the mother of Jesus Christ amidst pomp and pageant.
The event which kick-started with Rosary procession for over one hour witnessed intermittent prayers and singing of praises to honour Virgin Mary and adoration of her son Jesus Christ.
The Director of Garden of Grace, Brother Greg Mary Ajide while speaking at the occasion urged people to always have faith in God at all time stressing the need to avoid sinful acts noting that as humans some people are bound to err but that they should always seek forgiveness from God through His son Jesus Christ.
There was reading of the Bible and preaching of words of God with questions asked by participants and provision of answers by Ajide who exhibited profound knowledge of Bible and doctrines of Catholic and Catechism to the admiration of the large populace at the event.

There was section for competition amongst children in regards to Catechism and Bible questions and answers with various prizes bestowed to some children who exhibited good knowledge of Bible and Catechism.
The occasion also witnessed cutting of twelve beautiful big cakes symbolically representing the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and some members of the Marian Movement did justice to cutting of the cakes.

There were presence of some reverend fathers,thus, priests of the Catholic faith,pastors from pentecostal churches and reverend sisters together with some persons who came in from Ghana and other walks of life.
At the moment of conviviality, people were served with various sumptuous meals like rice, soups of various kind with sermovita and pounded yam and assorted drinks including alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks with special wine served to those interested irrespective of class and status to applause of all.
It will be recalled that a member who pleaded for his name not to be mentioned purchased cow for the occasion and some other people donated cash and kind to the success of the occasion.

Highlights of the occasion were dancing by children , taking of photographs by people with the status of Virgin Mary and presentation of scalpels to people.
A lot expressed gratitude to God for what He has been doing in their life and appealed to members to start thinking of how to get bigger place for the Garden of Grace because of the large crowd that troop there on bi-weekly and monthly basis for saying of Rosary, prayers and other religious programmes.

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